Writing Question

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:

  1. Acquire a better understanding of a communication concept.
  2. Discuss theory and application in order to better understand concepts.
  3. Develop a better understanding on how craft an academic essay.

InstructionsPurposeGuidelinesResourcesList of Topics

  • 4-6 pages, double spaced, typed or printed, with a minimum of five sources in your bibliography.
  • Good use of spelling, organizing, Plan on using APA or MLA format for your citations.

Additional Resources

Here is a great website to use in writing academic papers: Purdue Online Writing LabLinks to an external site.

If you need some help with your paper I suggest either working with one of the tutors at the Communication studies center (room 479) or using Net Tutor online from the left hand navigation.Once your paper is complete you will need to submit it online in the area provided on this page. I will be using the grading rubric provided below to grade your paper. Grading Rubric

This assignment is worth 100 points. The following rubric will be used to grade your assignment.

Expect one to two weeks for grading this assignment. I will post all grades after I have finished grading everyone’s paper.

  1. Unit eight-Overview (1 of 7)
  2. Unit eight-Chapter and Lectures (2 of 7)
  3. Chapter eight quiz, Quiz (3 of 7)
  4. Relational Maintenance, Discussion (4 of 7)
  5. Seven principles, Assignment (5 of 7)
  6. Unit eight-Summary (6 of 7)
  7. Current Assignment: Application Paper, Assignment (7 of 7)


Application paper rubric

Application paper rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent30 pts-Clear and appropriate organization, with effective transitions, introduction, and conclusion. -All information is analyzed thoughtfully, not just summarized -Topic is clearly defined and elaborated on and narrow enough in scope.24 ptsOrganization, transitions, introduction, and conclusion slightly lacking clarity and/or appropriateness. -Most information is analyzed, some just summarized -Topic is defined but not elaborated on18 ptsOrganization, transitions, introduction, and conclusion lacking clarity and/or appropriateness. -Some information is analyzed, much is just summarized -Topic is mentioned0 pts-Organization, transitions, introduction, and conclusion lacking clarity and/or appropriateness. -Information is merely stated or summarized -Topic is not clear and possibly too broad30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication30 pts-Excellent use of application integrated into discussion. Clear use of examples, situations, case studies, illustrations, skills, and stories.18 pts-Good use of application integrated into discussion. Provides a substantial amount of examples, situations, case studies, illustrations, skills, and stories.12 pts-Fair use of application integrated into discussion. Some use of examples, situations, case studies, illustrations, skills, and stories.0 pts-Poor use of application integrated into discussion. Little or no use of examples, situations, case studies, illustrations, skills, and stories.30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting10 pts-Paper is at least 4 full pages in length -double spaced -12 pt., Times New Roman font -1″ margins6 pts-Paper is at least 3 pages in length -double spaced -12 pt., Times New Roman font -1″ margins4 pts-Paper is at least 2 pages in length – font and margins partially correct0 pts-Paper is less than 2 pages in length -font and margins not correct10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Mechanics10 pts-No run-on sentences -No fragments -No spelling errors -No errors in subject/verb agreement, pronouns or tense – No punctuation or capitalization errors.6 ptsOnly one run-on sentence OR only one fragment -4 or less spelling errors -4 or less errors in agreement,pronouns or tense – 4 or less punctuation or capitalization errors4 pts-2 run-on sentences OR fragments -5 or more spelling errors -5 or more errors in agreement, pronouns or tense,-5 or more punctuation or capitalization errors0 pts-8 or more run-on sentences OR fragments -More than 8 spelling errors -More than 8 errors in agreement,pronouns or tense – More than 8 punctuation or capitalization errors10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of research10 pts-Cited 5 or more sources -Sources are reliable and properly evaluated. -All information relevant to topic -Sufficient information provided to support all elements of topic.6 pts-Cited 5 sources -Sources are mostly reliable. -Citation errors minor. -Most information relevant to topic. -Sufficient information provided to support all elements of topic.4 pts-Failed to cite 5 sources -Source reliability is questionable. -Information provided to support some elements of topic0 pts-Failed to cite sources -Source reliability is questionable. -Information provided to support some elements of topic10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorks cited/Citations10 pts-All sources properly cited in both paper and bibliography. -No errors in format or punctuation.6 pts-All sources properly cited in both paper and bibliography. -2 errors in format or punctuation.4 pts-Not all sources properly cited in both paper and bibliography. -More than than 3 errors in format or punctuation0 pts-Points deducted for plagiarism -No sources properly cited in paper and/or bibliography.10 pts
Total Points: 100


Requirements: 4-6 pages

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