Communications Question

The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained through your readings, along with your personal experience, to designing a real-life entertainment-education intervention. Choose a social need that you want to address and write a proposal to use EE to address the need. This paper is worth 300 points or 30 percent of your final grade. Please follow the following outline:

1. Identify a social need that others have sought to address through some kind
of intervention. The need can be anywhere in the world but the focus should be
narrow, specific and something you could actually achieve.
Examples: Nutrition deficits in poor areas of the U.S., illiteracy in inner cities,
high rates of HIV and AIDS in Botswana, prescription drug abuse in the U.S., high
obesity rates, lack of access to Christ-centered literation and Bibles, human trafficking,
cyber-bullying, mobile phone and video game addition.

2. Develop a complete EE proposal that shows how you plan to address the
need through an entertainment-education intervention.

Examples: You might design a play to promote better treatment of handicapped
people in Nepal. Perhaps you could design an EE website that helps young
people to get off of drugs. You could design a feeding program in a needy area
through mobile phone networks; develop a media literacy program in inner cities,
create an HIV prevention health campaign, make televised PSAs promoting Bible
sales in Turkey, or create a human trafficking webisode series.

Written Proposal
Write a proposal (10-12 pages for masters’ degree students; with the extended pages devoted to a more thorough literature review), which includes references (12-15 references for shorter papers; 15-20 references for longer
papers) and any figures or tables, that describe the social need, the process by which the
need will be addressed, a review of relevant literature related to the EE intervention you
are proposing, the EE intervention and message appeal, the goals of the EE program, the
transmedia strategy that you employ, a research plan to support your intervention, an
overview of the financial support you will need to implement your intervention, and a plan to study the effectiveness of your intervention. Your paper should include all of the following elements listed on the following page.

1. Introduction, description of social need or issue
2. Program goals and process by which the social need or issue is address
3. Literature review related to your means of intervention
4. Discussion of EE intervention and message appeal to reach people
5. Discussion of transmedia strategy
6. Research plan, including method, sample, data collection, and type of analysis
7. Description of funding needed to support the intervention (project budget)
8. References using the APA style manual, 7th edition
Conform your paper to APA 7th edition. The style manual will show you how to set titles,
sections, page numbers, citations, illustrations, and references.

Your grade for this assignment will be based on including in your paper all the elements
addressed in this outline on the previous page, the quality of your written work, and the
degree to which you effectively articulate your intervention.

Remember that I do not expect you to actually produce an EE production, since I realize
you will not have enough time to do that in one semester. However, feel free to provide
pre-production materials like mock-ups, story boards, illustrations, etc. What I want you
to do is set everything up so you can go to a funding agency or non-profit organization
(NGO, church, missions, etc.) and submit your proposal for funding. Don’t forget to
include a PROPOSED BUDGET of the funding you will need to complete your project

Requirements: 10-12 pages

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