On the Stela, the god Shamash gives the laws to Hammurabi. Visually, how do we know Shamash is a god?

Step 1: Watch a video on the

Answer the following questions: (1-2sentences each)

1. On the Stela, the god Shamash gives the laws to Hammurabi. Visually, how do we know Shamash is a god?

2. Why would Hammurabi want the stela to have both pictorial and written components?

Step 2: Read an English translation of the cuneiform

You only need to read laws #3, 6, 196, 197, 229, 230, 231.

Answer the following questions: (1-2 sentences each)

3. How does the image at the top of the stele relate to the law code below?

4. What is Shamash’s position and size in comparison to Hammurabi? What does this tell the viewer about their relationship? (3 points)

5. In reading laws #3, 6, 196, 197, 229, 230, 231, how does justice work under Hammurabi’s law code? (3 points)

Assignment 9

1. Where did the literary sources come from for Persia, and what bias do they have?

2. How did the Persians treat conquered peoples?

3. What language was the cylinder written in?

4. Who/what is Marduk, and why is Marduk important in the cylinder?

5. Describe the administrative system of the Persian Empire.

6. What animals represent royal authority and kingship?

7. What was the visual program of the Apādana?

Assignment 10

1. What does “decorum” mean in relation to ancient Egyptian imagery?

2. Why did ancient Egyptians paint scenes on their tombs?

3. How did the ancient Egyptians divide up their calendar?

4. What is a pharaoh?

5. What is the religious function of statuary?

6. Define registers.

7. Define hierarchy of scale.

8. Why was the body mummified?

9. Typically, which organ was left in the body? Which organ was left in the Herakleides mummy?

10. Why was the body covered in salt?

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