Develop a strategy to help them improve customer retention through a targeted email campaign

  1. Visit the case study website provided by the textbook and choose one of the case studies for your assignment. Using the case study and your own research, summarize in 1-2 paragraphs what they do (the value they deliver), who they sell to (their target audience) and their relative size (market share) and main competitive advantage.
  2. Develop a strategy to help them improve customer retention through a targeted email campaign, providing the following: a) the marketing goal for your campaign b) the metric you will use to measure its success c) the type of post-purchase email you will use.
  3. Craft a sample email including a subject line and message body with one image less than 50 words of text, and a call to action.
  4. Using the spam checker from the Discussion Assignment, test your message and identify areas of improvement. Provide your score before and after your revisions.
  5. Fix some of your issues and retest your revised message. Provide your draft and revised messages in the appendix section of your paper
  6. The link to resources is provided at the bottom
  7. Case study website:
  8. Types of Post Purchase Email chart
  9. Free Email Spam Checker

Requirements: 21

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