Quiz: Action Research Case Study Assignment Instructions

The benchmark assignment for this course is the Action Research Case Study project, which will be completed throughout the course in a series of assignments. The purpose of this quiz is for you to provide evidence that you have completed the necessary preliminary steps (see the bullet point list below). Before beginning this quiz, become familiar with this project’s requirements by reviewing the Read: Action Research Case Study Overview in the Learn section of this module.

Respond to this quiz’s questions to provide evidence that you have begun the Action Research Case Study project. The questions in this quiz document that you:

  • Have secured a volunteer teacher and gained permission from the school principal.
  • Plan to use ethical practices during the research.
  • Have confirmed that student assessment data (formative and summative) will be shared between the volunteer teacher and candidate.
  • Have confirmed that the first meeting with the teacher has taken place for the purpose of reviewing data.
  • Have selected a research topic with a preliminary guiding research question collaboratively with the volunteer teacher. The guiding research question must identify a problem, a target group of individuals, a measurable intervention, and a specific time period for the completion of the case study.
    • Topic examples include (but are not limited to): student math achievement, improvement in the implementation of reading curriculum, improvement in formative assessments, improvement in classroom management using technology to engage student learners, etc.
    • Example preliminary guiding research questions are: What two types of technology integration can improve the math achievement levels of 6th grade students by September 29, 2023? What two cooperative learning methods strategies will improve paragraph writing skills in fifth-grade students by the end of the learning unit? What 2 – 3 differentiation strategies can increase student engagement and performance in 9th grade Biology?

You will be prompted to identify your selected research topic and preliminary guiding research question. You will use the topic and preliminary guiding research question you identify when researching professional literature and writing an annotated bibliography in a future assignment.

Ensure you are prepared to address each of the five bullet points above before starting this quiz. Your instructor will manually grade your research topic/preliminary guiding question response and provide approval or request revisions that must be addressed before you can move to the research phase of the project.

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