RESEARCH PROJECT (2,700 words, 50%): DUE FRIDAY 14 JUNE 11:59PM

The research project is an individual piece of research that contributes to our understanding of emotions in history. Students should create their own research question that contributes to a conversation that is happening in the history of emotion. They should then attempt to answer that question by applying one of the theories/concepts/methods that we have learned during the course to a set of primary sources. Please run your question by your course coordinator or tutor to ensure it is appropriate.

A good research project will demonstrate knowledge of three things: 1) a historical debate in the history of emotions; 2) a theory/concept/method in the history of emotions; 3) a set of primary sources. A good structure might look something like this (but this is not compulsory): an introduction to the historical debate and the research question that is being asked that adds to the debate; 2) an introduction to the theory and sources and why they help us answer the question; 3) application of theory to the primary sources to build the evidence that supports your argument; 4) a conclusion that tell us how your evidence answered the question and contributes to the historical debate. You might also want to mention any limits to your project and future directions for research.

To complete your project, you will need to identify appropriate secondary and primary resources. Please look at the resources pages to help identify good sources for your work

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