PSA Brainstorming assignment



Choose your topic you are interested in learning more about and begin general research–you can start by using Wikipedia. This assignment requires 5 sources minimum. Create a formal MLA citation for each source you find to answer the questions posed in this brainstorming/research assignment. This assignment will be use for your PSA video and your accompanying research paper on the topic. Find more sources than you need to avoid having to research a second or third time later this week.

  1. From a neutral perspetive, explain the situation or issue. (5-7 sentences)
  2. List 5 facts about the issue and briefly explain the importance of each.
  3. List 5 statistics regarding this issue and briefly explain the importance of each.
  4. What are the consequences of this issue (generally speaking–think “bigger picture”)? (2-3 sentences)
  5. Give 3 examples and briefly explain what type of communities or environments this issue impacts. (5-7 sentences)
  6. What (if anything) has been done to combat or fix this issue? (3-4 sentences)
  7. How have people’s view of this issue (gererally speaking) changed over time? (5-7 sentences)
  8. Why should the audience care about this issue–(future consequences of not taking action)? (3-4 sentences)
  9. Provide two different calls to action–specifically what do you want your audience to actively do to advocate, promote or help solve the issue?
  10. Create a Works Cited page listing your 5 research sources.
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