Writing Question

Planning Worksheet: Instruction Set

  1. What is the topic for your instructions? What tasks will it cover?
  2. Who is the audience for this set of instructions? In what context will they be using your instructions?
  3. How much experience do they have with the technology, tools, and materials needed for your instructions? What will you need to explain to them?
  4. If your instructions divide into tasks, list the tasks for which you will provide directions. If your instructions divide into phases, list the phases.
  5. List the equipment and supplies needed to perform these instructions.
  6. Describe the warning, caution, and danger notices you think these instructions will require, if any.
  7. Describe the graphics (figures and tables) you think you’ll need in these instructions.
  1. Explain any supplementary information you might need to include with these instructions.
  2. Choose something with which you are familiar. It can be something related to your field of study (e.g., how to use a particular piece of laboratory equipment) or something related to a more general audience (e.g., how to use a small kitchen appliance).
  3. Choose an audience who has never performed this task before. In other words, plan to write for novice users.
  4. Choose a task with an appropriate level of difficulty. The topic should be neither too easy nor too hard to explain in the space allotted.
  5. how to change the oil in your car
  6. how to iron a shirt
  7. how to add a component to your computer (e.g., hard drive, sound card)
  8. how to groom a dog
  9. how to reformat your hard drive
  10. how to use an ATM card
  11. how to cook a turkey
  12. how to braid hair
  13. how to use a particular type of microscope
  14. how to use a particular piece of exercise equipment on campus
  15. an overview of the steps needed to complete the task
  16. definitions of terms or concepts they need to know before they proceed
  17. cautions or warnings that apply to the task as a whole
  18. a sense of how long the task will take
  19. where they should perform the task (e.g., in a well-ventilated area, outside, on a flat surface)
  20. Use the imperative mood. (That is, say this: “Attach the red wire” rather than this: “The red wire is attached.” With the second sentence, users will not know whether the wire is already attached or if they need to attach it.)
  21. Phrase each step clearly and concisely.
  22. Provide feedback that tells users what will happen after they complete each step.
  23. Include warnings or cautions before users will encounter problems.
  24. Break long lists into sections with appropriate sub-headings.
  25. Make sure sub-headings and steps are phrased in a parallel form.
  26. Focus the instructions on tasks the user performs, not capabilities of a system or product (the distinction is between a user-centered vs system-centered document). Headings and sub-headings should reflect this focus. For instance, “Compiling your program” puts the focus on the audience’s task, while “Program compilation” puts the focus on the system.
  27. If there is no necessary chronological order for your instructions, then choose another rationale for the organization. For example, you could move from most to least important tasks, from general to specialized tasks, from most to least common tasks, and so on.
  28. A clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings.
  29. Well-chosen fonts.
  30. Numbered lists and bulleted lists, where appropriate. Know the difference. Make sure bullets and numbers are consistently formatted. Do not number or bullet lists with fewer than two items.
  31. An appropriate amount of white space.
  32. Effective use of alignment. Centered alignment makes it harder for users to skim headings and sub- headings; left alignment is more effective.
  33. Effective use of contrast. Too much contrast means that nothing stands out; too little contrast makes it hard for users to find what they need. Consider emphasizing elements like headings, key words, and warnings.
  34. Consistently used design features. Decide which typefaces, text attributes, and other forms of emphasis you will use and apply them consistently.
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