Law Analysis

For this assignment, you are to research three federal laws that are important to education. These laws are a) Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, b) Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, and c) Every Student Succeeds Act. Based on your analysis, you are to compare and contrast these three laws as they relate to educating children. Within your analysis, you will need to address the following questions:

1. What is the general purpose of each law and what are the major tenets that address the general purpose of each law?

2. Which laws apply only to education and which apply to broader areas of life?

3. Who does each law target?

4. Why do we need each law? That is, what are the major aspects of each law that are not addressed by the other two?

5. What are some specific ways in which each law affects how we educate students with disabilities? Be specific with regard to the major tenets (or aspects) of each law. This will require some detail in your explanation.

6. What are the origins of each and why was each enacted? That is, when was each originally enacted and what was the original title of each?

7. Given that education is a state-regulated activity, why would a state voluntarily comply with the federal education laws? Be specific for each law. For example, if a particular law provides money, explain how.

Complete this as an expository text in your own words (make sure you appropriately cite your sources). That is, do not simply write a list of bulleted questions and answers. Use a narrative format with appropriate section headings throughout. Submit your assignment as a Word document by the due date (i.e., do not submit an Adobe Acrobat document).

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