media bias chart

Using the media bias chart regarding credible news sources (also posted on CANVAS and

available below or at, please select a

mainstream/credible news source of your choice listed on the chart. If you would like to choose

a credible news source not listed on the chart, please confer with Esihle prior to submitting your


2. Go to the credible source you have chosen and peruse news coverage of the past few years

(e.g., feel free to include articles going back to January 1, 2021). Look for an article on a topic

specifically relevant to our course. If you cannot find anything in this time frame, feel free to

extend your search backwards. Alternatively, you may consult the “Course Relevant Media

Coverage” Module in CANVAS, where I have posted a selection of news reports from various

reliable sources and on various course-related topics.

3. Summarize the main point of the credible news source article you have chosen (~1/2 page).

Make sure to cite your sources in this summary, with hyperlink if possible.

4. Relate (compare/contrast) the article to lecture material either from this course or from another

course you have taken previously (remember to be explicit – I was not there). (If you cannot

think of anything that relates, please talk to me and we will find a suitable alternative.) Consider

relating it to specific concepts, theories, readings, and/or videos as appropriate. Be explicit in

establishing these connections (~1/2 page).

5. Relate (compare/contrast) the article you have chosen to at least one other reading from this or

a related course you have taken. Be explicit in establishing these connections and cite the course

reading that you are referencing in your connections (~1/2 page).

6. Then, return to the media bias chart and choose a marginal (=extreme/not credible) news

source from either side (left or right). Find a comparable article on the same/similar issue you

chose from the mainstream/credible news source. Compare coverage of that specific issue in

both sources. Reflect on your observations regarding differences and commonalities in coverage

in the credible vs. marginal media source. Make sure to cite your marginal source in this

reflection, with hyperlink if possible. (~1 page).

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