enterprise-level report


Modern companies compete in a challenging environment. To remain competitive, they must react rapidly to problems and opportunities that arise from extremely dynamic conditions. Enterprise information systems (EIS) include any kind of information system that improves the functions of enterprise business processes. EIS helps companies answer these challenges.

For the final project in this course, you are to imagine that you are a newly contracted junior data specialist working for a business intelligence unit that has been tasked by your manager to answer a question for your company’s management. Your manager will provide you with the data sets to begin your work. With these, you will go through a series of actions to simulate an ERP environment. Finally, your manager will expect you to deliver a fully functional Access report that, when produced, will answer senior-management questions about sales.

As you perform the tasks required of you by your manager, you will document your work as it is completed throughout the process so that your manager can use the basis of your work as a training aid for future employees in your department. You will be required to submit a completed Access database that meets your manager’s specifications containing data loaded from the provided Excel spreadsheets along with reports answering important management questions. Finally, you will use appropriate language to compose an executive summary to explain your process to management.

The following will assist you with completing this milestone:

  • Discovering Microsoft Office 2016
    Use this document as a reference for finding basic commands and instructions on using Access features.


For the final project, you will imagine yourself as a newly contracted junior data specialist. You have been tasked with identifying a business question and selecting and analyzing the relevant data to aid in answering the question. You will also be required to show your abilities in compiling and cleaning the data for a future presentation to management in the form of an executive summary.

You requested all 2015 sales data for Cedar County. Senior management has the following business questions. Select one of the questions below as your focus for the final project.

  • What were the total 2015 sales by month?
  • What were the total sales by store in December?
  • What were the total sales by net revenue? What were the top 10 products?
  • What were the total sales by category?
  • What were the total sales by brand?
  • What were the total sales by vendor?
  • What was the total net revenue by vendor?

To complete this milestone, use the following data sets:

  • Iowa_Liquor_Sales_52772
  • Iowa_Liquor_Sales_52747
  • Iowa_Liquor_Sales_52358
  • Iowa_Liquor_Sales_52337
  • Iowa_Liquor_Sales_52306
  • Iowa_Liquor_Sales_52216

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Report for Management
    1. Using Access, generate an enterprise-level report to submit along with your executive summary.
    2. Alter labels (identifiers) that appear in the report so they are consumable for management to comprehend.
  2. Executive Summary: Compose an executive summary in which you explain what your process was to create the enterprise level report as well as why you performed the actions you did. Within your summary, provide a detailed description of the report in which you explain the identifiers used. You will also need to anticipate questions management may ask, so be sure that your explanation is as detailed as possible but also uses audience-appropriate language.

What to Submit

Milestone Two should be 1 to 2 pages in length, including tables.

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About the Author: admin