How might Ms. Jacobs’s teaching procedures during reading group time need to change if she followed Vygotsky’s ideas about the zone of proximal development?

Please read Chapters 2 &4 to help you complete these questions.

Please use a Microsoft document to submit your assignments. You may submit Chapters 2& 4 on the same page. You have unlimited attempts to submit your assignment.

1. You must cite the text or Google by using proper APA citation (example for TEXTBOOK it is: “quotation” (author last name, year p. number). If you use a website or other resources, please look up the proper citation format through Purdue Owl . (30 points)

2. Please use complete sentences, proper syntax, grammar, and punctuation. (20 points)

3. Each part of the question is clearly addressed with academic intellectual discourse and is supported by in-text citations when appropriate (300-400 words responses per question). (50 points)

Chapter 2 questions

  1. Ms. Jacobs teaches 26 second-grade students who represent a wide range of diversity. Her students include six English learners, one student who just arrived from Mexico, three students with special learning needs, students from extreme poverty to middle class, and students from various ethnic groups. She has divided students into three reading groups and expects other students to work silently and independently as she works with reading groups. All students work on the same spelling tasks and worksheets during their independent seatwork.

How might Ms. Jacobs’s teaching procedures during reading group time need to change if she followed Vygotsky’s ideas about the zone of proximal development? ( please use APA format for citations) ( please paraphrase when appropriate and include citations)

Chapter 4 questions

  1. Your student Lucas was diagnosed recently with dyslexia, a learning disability covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Lucas’s mom is distraught to learn about her son’s disability, and she knows nothing about an IEP or special education. Explain the IEP process to Lucas’s mom, Mrs. Stone, and describe how she will be involved in her son’s education. Describe what’s included in an IEP.

2. Watch this video, two student teachers discuss their observations and experiences with students who have ADHD.Describe some of the behaviors the teachers see in their classroom and what are some of the strategies that work and what strategies are ineffective.

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