Tinker v. DesMoines Independent Community School District

Case Reviews Assignment Instructions

The candidate will review and reflect upon 3 different precedent-setting case scenarios listed below. The submission should include a title page, the three analyzed cases, and a reference page. 

After reading specific chapters in the Essex, complete the following activity:

Write a case brief using the outline for each of the cases listed below. These are basic cases impacting education. It is important that we understand that these cases are precedent-setting cases. So much of current law rests on these and many others. You may use any law review site you wish. Make certain to cite all relevant information and review the grading rubric carefully to ensure that you have met the criteria for each heading. Your submission must be in current APA format and be submitted as one document.

Include the following headings in each of your reviews.

  1. What are the Facts of the Case?
    1. What are the Major Issues of the Case?
    1. What was the Rationale Given about the Case?
    1. What were the Holdings from the Judges?
    1. Present Your Reaction To The Case?

For the Case Reviews Assignment, you will review:

  • Case Scenario: Tinker v. DesMoines Independent Community School District, 393 US 503 (1969)
  • Case Scenario: Pickering v. Board of Education, 391 US 563 (1968)
  • Case Scenario: Brown v. Board of Education, 347 US 483 (1954)

Length of paper should be at least 6 pages in APA format, not including the title and reference pages.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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