Global Health Project

Part 1

Define the following five terms and discuss briefly (in 5 sentences or less for each) each term’s relevance to global health.

  1. One Health
  2. “Health in all policies” approach to governance
  3. Explain the difference between Multilaterals and Bilaterals as Health Development Partners
  4. Explain the difference between Foundations and Civil Society Organizations as Health Development Partners
  5. Demographic and epidemiological transition (define both)

Part 2: Short essay (maximum 2 pages):

Review the Climate Financing agreements that have been made related to climate and health during COP28. Provide an example of how one Low- or Middle-Income country could specifically use the additional funding to develop a policy to address two of these three issues:

  • For urban health: improve food security to reduce the incidence of malnutrition amongst children of migrants.
  • For pandemic preparedness: work with a civil society organization (CSO) or community-based organization (CBO) to put in place a community-based system to combat public health misinformation.
  • For climate change: reduce exposure to air pollution for Urban slum dwellers to reduce incidence of upper respiratory diseases.

Part 3: Short essay (maximum 2 pages):

The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact could have been considerably less if governments and multilateral organizations had acted more effectively. The paper below highlights lessons we have learned and proposes innovations that together could make the world safer and better prepared for the next pandemic. Provide your thoughts and opinions on the lessons and proposed innovations.

Read and use: Frenk, J., Godal, T., Gómez-Dantés, O., & Store, J. G. (2022). A reinvigorated multilateralism in health: lessons and innovations from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet400(10363), 1565-1568.

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