My topic is how trauma causes multiple personality disorder

will be submitting an outline for this assignment. Please download the Outlining the Research Analysis Essay template, which looks ahead to the Week 5 Research Analysis Essay and breaks those requirements into an achievable and practical roadmap.

Please note: The outline template is a fillable document that breaks down the requirements. You may be familiar with the formal, alphanumeric outline format; however, in this case the main goal is to plot out the trajectory for your final paper. As a result, you are not being asked to write full paragraphs, but to indicate the direction and organization of your final paper.

The research you have done has helped develop a sense of a particular academic or professional topic. By examining each of your articles and considering the perspectives they present, you will be able to write a clear analysis asserting the importance of the issue while developing your response.

The template will guide you as you complete the following steps:

  • Outline the introduction paragraph
  • Indicate the topic you will explore in the paper and assert a tentative thesis statement.

Outline your three body paragraphs

In each section, you will identify the article under consideration. Then include notes to indicate how you plan to

  • Describe the perspective presented in the article. 
  • Summarize the article’s findings on your identified topic. 
  • Show how the article’s perspective contributes to your overall thesis.

Outline the conclusion paragraph:

  • Restate the main points while reflecting on the significance of the evidence cited and the connections you have made.
    • Connect the ideas presented to show why the topic is an important one.
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