3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document

“3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document”

Upon completion of the required Practice Assessment, conduct a focused review, by downloading the “ATI Individual Performance Profile” Report. Complete the “3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document” by using each NCLEX Client Need Category, listed under the “Topics to Review Section” in the report to identify 3 Critical Concepts learned and or understand better about the missed conceptUse reliable evidence-based resources to remediate each topic (ATI Focused Review, ATI eBook, Course textbook per Syllabus). Cite your sources (APA formatting not required).

8 NCLEX Client Need Categories

1) Management of Care, 2) Safety and Infection Control, 3) Basic Care and comfort, 4) Health Promotion and Maintenance, 5) Psychosocial Integrity, 6) Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies, 7) Reduction of Risk Potential, and 8) Physiological Adaptation

Reflection Section – Include one of the 6 Cognitive Functions

Reflect on how the 3 critical concepts you learned, helped you gain a better understanding of the 6 Cognitive Functions of the National Council for State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) – Clinical Judgement Measurement Model (NCJMM) – which follows the Nursing Process:

  • Recognize Cues (Assessment) – Filter information from different sources (i.e., signs, symptoms, health history, environment).  
    • Analyze Cues (Analysis) – Link recognized cues to a client’s clinical presentation and establishing probable client needs, concerns, or problems.
    • Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis) – Establish priorities of care based on the client’s health problems (i.e. environmental factors, risk assessment, urgency, signs/ symptoms, diagnostic test, lab values, etc.)
    • Generate Solutions (Planning) – Identify expected outcomes and related nursing interventions to ensure clients’ needs are met.
    • Take Actions (Implementation) – Implement appropriate interventions based on nursing knowledge, priorities of care, and planned outcomes to promote, maintain, or restore a client’s health.
    • Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation) – Evaluate a client’s response to nursing interventions and reach a nursing judgment regarding the extent to which outcomes have been met.

Topics To Review

Safety and Infection Control (1 item)

Accident/Error/Injury Prevention (1 item)

Nursing Care of Newborns: Priority Nursing Action Following Delivery (Active Learning Template – Nursing Skill)

Health Promotion and Maintenance (6 items)

Lifestyle Choices (1 item)

Contraception: Providing Teaching to an Adolescent About Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception (Active Learning

Template – Medication)

Ante-/Intra-/Postpartum and Newborn Care (4 items)

Fetal Assessment During Labor: Performing Leopold Maneuvers (Active Learning Template – Nursing Skill)

Postpartum Disorders: Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Postpartum Disorders: Indications for Administration of Oxytocin (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Prenatal Care: Reportable Findings (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Health Screening (1 item)

Assessment and Management of Newborn Complications: New Ballard Score (Active Learning Template – Nursing Skill)

Basic Care and Comfort (1 item)

Nutrition and Oral Hydration (1 item)

Medical Conditions: Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies (2 items)

Adverse Effects/Contraindications/Side Effects/Interactions (1 item)

Contraception: Contraindication for Oral Contraceptive Use (Active Learning Template – Medication)

Expected Actions/Outcomes (1 item)

Pain Management: Planning Care for a Client Who Is Receiving Epidural Anesthesia (Active Learning Template –

Therapeutic Procedure)

Reduction of Risk Potential (3 items)

Changes/Abnormalities in Vital Signs (1 item)

Assessment and Management of Newborn Complications: Findings to Report to the Provider (Active Learning Template –

Basic Concept)

Potential for Complications of Diagnostic Tests/Treatments/Procedures (1 item)

Assessment of Fetal Well-Being: Priority Intervention Following an Amniocentesis (Active Learning Template – Diagnostic


Laboratory Values (1 item)

Medical Conditions: Reportable Findings for a Client Who Is at 10 Weeks of Gestation (Active Learning Template – Basic


Physiological Adaptation (3 items)

Alterations in Body Systems (3 items)

Infections: Caring for a Client Who Is HIV Positive (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Medical Conditions: Caring for a Client Receiving Magnesium Sulfate IV (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Medical Conditions: Evaluating Teaching for a Client Who Has Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Active Learning Template –

System Disorder)

Clinical Judgment (11 items)

Generate Solutions (3 items)

Anticipating a Provider’s Prescription for an Adolescent Who has an Infection of the Reproductive Tract (Active Learning

Template – System Disorder)

Interventions for a Newborn Who Has a Birth Injury (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Nursing Actions for Client Who Has Third Trimester Bleeding (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Evaluate Outcomes (2 items)

Evaluating Teaching Plan for an Adolescent Who Has an Infection of the Reproductive Tract (Active Learning Template –

System Disorder)

Manifestations of Cold Stress of the Newborn (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Recognize Cues (2 items)

Findings to Report to the Provider (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Recognizing Manifestations of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Analyze Cues (3 items)

Identifying Manifestations of Vaginal Infections (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Identifying Potential Newborn Complications (Active Learning Template – Basic Concept)

Reportable Findings for a Client Who is at 32 Weeks of Gestation (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)

Take Actions (1 item)

Implementing Provider’s Prescriptions for an Adolescent Who Has an Infection of the Reproductive Tract (Active Learning

Template – System Disorder)


Student Name 
Instructor Name 
Assessment NameRN Maternal Newborn Online Practice 2023 A
# of Topics to Review                                                       
NCLEX Client Need Category  
Safety and Infection Control (1 item)  
TopicConcept3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or understand better about this topic)Reflection – Address 1 of the 6 Cognitive Functions
Accident/Error/Injury Prevention (1 item)Nursing Care of Newborns: Priority Nursing Action Following Delivery (Active Learning Template – Nursing Skill) Take Actions (Implementation)  
Health Promotion and Maintenance (6 items)
TopicConcept3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or understand better about this topic)Reflection – Address 1 of the 6 Cognitive Functions
Lifestyle Choices (1 item)  Contraception: Providing Teaching to an Adolescent About Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception (Active Learning Template – Medication)   Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis)  
Ante-/Intra-/Postpartum and Newborn Care (4 items)  Fetal Assessment During Labor: Performing Leopold Maneuvers (Active Learning Template – Nursing Skill)   Postpartum Disorders: Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
 Postpartum Disorders: Indications for Administration of Oxytocin (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
 Prenatal Care: Reportable Findings (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Health Screening (1 item)  Assessment and Management of Newborn Complications: New Ballard Score (Active Learning Template – Nursing Skill)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Basic Care and Comfort (1 item)  
TopicConcept3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or understand better about this topic)Reflection – Address 1 of the 6 Cognitive Functions
Nutrition and Oral Hydration (1 item)  Medical Conditions: Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies (2 items)     
TopicConcept3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or understand better about this topic)Reflection – Address 1 of the 6 Cognitive Functions
Adverse Effects/Contraindications/Side Effects/Interactions (1 item)    Contraception: Contraindication for Oral Contraceptive Use (Active Learning Template – Medication)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Expected Actions/Outcomes (1 item )Pain Management: Planning Care for a Client Who Is Receiving Epidural Anesthesia (Active Learning Template – Therapeutic Procedure)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Reduction of Risk Potential (3 items)   
TopicConcept3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or understand better about this topic)Reflection – Address 1 of the 6 Cognitive Functions
Changes/Abnormalities in Vital Signs (1 item)  Assessment and Management of Newborn Complications: Findings to Report to the Provider (Active Learning Template – Basic Concept)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Potential for Complications of Diagnostic Tests/Treatments/Procedures (1 item)  Assessment of Fetal Well-Being: Priority Intervention Following an Amniocentesis (Active Learning Template – Diagnostic Procedure)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Laboratory Values (1 item)  Medical Conditions: Reportable Findings for a Client Who Is at 10 Weeks of Gestation (Active Learning Template – Basic Concept)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Physiological Adaptation (3 items)   
TopicConcept3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or understand better about this topic)Reflection – Address 1 of the 6 Cognitive Functions
Alterations in Body Systems (3 items)Infections: Caring for a Client Who Is HIV Positive (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis)  
 Medical Conditions: Caring for a Client Receiving Magnesium Sulfate IV (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
 Medical Conditions: Evaluating Teaching for a Client Who Has Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Clinical Judgment (11 items) 
TopicConcept3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or understand better about this topic)Reflection – Address 1 of the 6 Cognitive Functions
Generate Solutions (3 items)Anticipating a Provider’s Prescription for an Adolescent Who has an Infection of the Reproductive Tract (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis)  
 Interventions for a Newborn Who Has a Birth Injury (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
 Nursing Actions for Client Who Has Third Trimester Bleeding (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Evaluate Outcomes (2 items)Evaluating Teaching Plan for an Adolescent Who Has an Infection of the Reproductive Tract (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis)  
 Manifestations of Cold Stress of the Newborn (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)   Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Recognize Cues (2 items)Findings to Report to the Provider (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis)  
 Recognizing Manifestations of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Analyze Cues (3 items)Identifying Manifestations of Vaginal Infections (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis)  
 Identifying Potential Newborn Complications (Active Learning Template – Basic Concept) Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
 Reportable Findings for a Client Who is at 32 Weeks of Gestation (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)  
Take Actions (1 item)Implementing Provider’s Prescriptions for an Adolescent Who Has an Infection of the Reproductive Tract (Active Learning Template – System Disorder) Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis)  


McCuistion, L.E., DiMaggio, K., Winton, M.B., & Yeager (2023). Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach. 11th. Ed. Publisher: Elsevier. 

ATI Content Mastery Series Review Module: RN Pharmacology 11.0 ed.

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