What effect does media/social media have on the creation of hate and prejudice in today’s society and social norms?

What effect does media/social media have on the creation of hate and prejudice in today’s society and social norms? This can be a written as a positive or negative reflection on media/social media. Follow APA guidelines for all references (three references are required for each primary discussion) and in-text citations used, observe proper spelling, punctuation, and spacing. Present all work in 12 font Times New Roman. One reference can be your class book, the other two references are to be outside sources. 300 wordsCitation: Liang, B., & Lu, H. (2010). Internet development, censorship, and cyber crime in China. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 26(1), 103–120.Links to an external site.Jewkes, Y., & Linnemann, T. (2018). Media and crime in the U.S. Sage Publications.Copes, H., & Vieraitis, L. M. (2009). Understanding identity theft: Offenders’ accounts of their lives and crimes. Criminal Justice Review, 34(3), 329–349.Links to an external site.

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