What procedures and attitudes covered in this chapter could have helped Kyle make the sale to this would-be customer?

Jody Schneider had promised herself to fulfill her long-held dream of buying a brand-new car. At the first dealership, she was snubbed by three salespersons who seemed too busy to talk to her. The second dealership was about the same. By the time she had approached the third car lot, she had begun to lose some of her initial enthusiasm. Finally, she found a salesman, Kyle, who turned out to be insincere, lied to her, and wasted her time. Therefore, she left without making a purchase.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What procedures and attitudes covered in this chapter could have helped Kyle make the sale to this would-be customer? (Remember, this was to be the car of her dreams.)
  2. What suggestions would you make to Kyle in terms of the internal customers at the car dealership?
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