Discuss an example of a community of your choosing in regard to their susceptibility and preparedness for a potential natural disaster (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.) based on previous disasters of the same type

In general, human nature tends to be reactionary as opposed to precautionary (i.e. people tend to act only when it is necessary). However, given the global increase in natural disasters and human vulnerability to them in the last few decades, this casual attitude is now proving to be highly unacceptable and even dangerous.

YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Discuss an example of a community of your choosing in regard to their susceptibility and preparedness for a potential natural disaster (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.) based on previous disasters of the same type.

Your paper must be 7 to 10 double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, typed pages. No more, no less.

margins must be 1″ (2.54cm) on all sides

Paragraphs should begin with an indent.
Text should be fully justified. Look up the typographic term if you are unfamiliar.

After the title page, your paper must have four sections called Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
5) A Table of Contents is not required. However,
your pages must be numbered.

How to structure your essay:
Introduction: Identify the community, the natural disaster that occurred
previously, the reasons why the community is susceptible to that
type of disaster, and the consequences (loss of life, property,
environment etc.) suffered during the previous disaster. (~2 pages)
Discussion: Discuss the response/recovery to the previous disaster
and mitigation/improvement measures undertaken/in progress to
deal with the consequences of a similar natural disaster in the future
(4-6 pages).
Conclusion: Summarize the mitigations/improvements from
the discussion and conclude whether the community is/will be
adequately or inadequately prepared to mitigate the
consequences of a future disaster (~1 page).

Use APA citation style

Do not use quotations

You must use at least ten different highly credible citations
in your paper (using the same source four times does
not count). This means that your reference list must
have at least ten different entries.
Academic journal articles, scholarly books, government
reports, and reports produced by credible organizations
are all credible sources.
The textbook can be used as one source. Chapters by the
same author do not count as separate references. Only
references cited in the text of your paper can be included
in the References.

The papers will be marked out of 100 marks;
The content and supporting documentation (referring to the
quality and quantity of information (and sources) you
provide in your introduction (20 marks), discussion (50
marks) and conclusions (10 marks) 80/100 total marks.
Organization, grammar and format (referring to adherence
to all guidelines provided in this presentation) 20/100 Natural Disasters

S. Marshak, R. Rauber, and N. Johnson (2022)
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. ISBN 9780393921977

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