Reflect on the reason you chose Psychology as your major

As a senior, you are close to completing all the course work required for your degree. Write 3-5 pages about your time as a psychology major. Reflect on the reason you chose Psychology as your major. Include in your narrative some responses to these guiding questions:

What coursework have you enjoyed more, and what coursework have you enjoyed less? Any specific topics that you were really excited to learn?

What factors in your life do you feel steered you toward a major in psychology?

Who have been some influential figures in the development of your education in psychology?

What is your anticipated graduation date? What do you hope to accomplish your senior year?

Looking to your future, what do you see as your next steps (career, graduate school, etc)?

Cast a vision for your “dream job”. What does “success” look like for you? How will you know when you’ve arrived?

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