argumentative essay

You are writing a researched argumentative essay and while writing it make sure you include


  • Has a Title
    • Can be Informative or Creative
  • Pulls Reader in with a Hook
    • May Give Background Info about Debate or Issue
  • Has a Clearly Identifiable Thesis
    • Takes a Clear Stand on a Debatable Issue / Argues Policy


  • Evidence of Research is Present
  • Communicates Information Completely, Clearly, and Accurately
  • Avoids Editorializing or Manipulation of Information
  • Defines Any Key Terms
  • Provides Two to Three Key Points of Support for Claim
  • Does Not Try to Argue Belief
  • Sticks to the Topic at Hand
    • Includes Only Relevant Information about Topic or Issue
  • Uses Loges, Pathos, and Ethos to Support Claim or Position Tone and Language are Appropriate for an Academic Paper and the Subject Matter
    • Avoids Logical Fallacies
  • Addresses Other Claims and Counterarguments.


  • Have Topic Sentences
  • Are Well-Developed
  • Have Only One Point
  • Are Organized by The Points of Support given in Thesis Statement


  • Signals a Conclusion
  • Finishes Strong


  • Uses information from at least five reputable outside sources, cited correctly


  • Uses MLA Format
  • Double Spaced
  • 12 pt Times New Roman Font
  • Paragraphs Are Indented
  • Has Correct Headings
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