champions of change

  • Review the Learning Resources and Course Announcement.
  • Access Hart City and review the scenario by revisiting some of the locations of your choosing. Review your data analysis from Week 7, including Instructor feedback on the Assignment. Draft 1 SMART objective based on your data analysis from Week 7.
  • Note that Discussions in the doctoral-level Human Services programs are areas for sharing ideas, reflecting on current research, and building community. Therefore, your grade, and the evaluation of your Discussion, will be based on the content and quality of your ideas. Note that APA-style citations, references, and standard punctuation will not be assessed or graded. As a human services professional and doctoral student, you should always maintain a professional and academic tone. Please focus on shaping your ideas and supporting your claims with examples and research when applicable. However, every course has its own standards and requirements, so it is important to always check those requirements for each course and each assignment.
  • Respond to all bullet points in the prompt.

Write an initial post of any length:

  • Share your SMART objective based on the data analysis and Hart City scenario you chose.
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