Hobbes’ essay

Main Idea: In Hobbes’ essay there is a long list on page 57-58 of what he says cannot exist in a state of nature or a time of war. Briefly summarize what he means by this passage in context to his larger argument in Chapter 13.

Question: Choose one specific example from the above passage and explain why Hobbes believes it won’t be possible. Be sure to use my notes to help you with this point.

Application: Considering our modern society, what social agreements would be required to make that specific example be successful in society? How would the absence of that specific example impact your daily life? (Be sure to choose an example that would impact your daily life to earn full credit.)

Before submitting,Please keep in mind that your submission must:

  • Address all parts of the prompt.
  • Be between 400-900 words (less than 300 words will earn zero points).
  • Include quotations from either the primary text or course notes and contain both in-text citations and a Works Cited page. A full list of citations in MLA is available in the Reflections folder titled “Full List of Citations.” Citations need to be in a standard citation format.
  • Does not include content from outside sources. Use of outside sources will result in a 0.
  • Be your own original work.
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