Legal Entanglement Project: Part 2 – Personal Reflection and Communication of Professional Norms Assignment Instructions

Legal Entanglement Project: Part 2 – Personal Reflection and Communication of Professional Norms Assignment Instructions


The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on how you personally model and communicate the professional norms discussed from the three sources previously addressed: Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE), case law, and professional literature.


Personal Reflection

In the provided Legal Entanglement Project: Part 2 – Personal Reflection and Communication of Professional Norms Template, reflect on how you personally model the professional norms discussed from the following three sources:

  • Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE): Consider the three principles you selected from the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE) in your Legal Entanglement Project: Part 1 – Topic Selection and Ethical Analysis Assignment. Discuss how you model these three MCEE principles in your professional life. A link to the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE) has been provided with this assignment for your reference.
  • Case Law: Consider the three cases you reviewed in your Legal Entanglement Project: Part 2 – Professional Norms Knowledge Base Assignment and the implications for your own professional decisions and actions.
  • Literature: Consider the three references you reviewed in your Legal Entanglement Project: Part 2 – Professional Norms Knowledge Base Assignment and the implications for your own professional decisions and actions.

You may use first-person pronouns in this section. The length requirement for this section is a 300-word minimum.

Communication of Professional Norms

In this section, select the most salient professional norm that is most relevant to the issue you selected in your Legal Entanglement Project: Part 1 – Topic Selection and Ethical Analysis Assignment. The professional norm may be chosen from two or more of the following: (a) the MCEE principles, (b) case law, or (c) literature review.

Create a statement to a selected audience about the importance of this professional norm. Identify the audience (e.g., faculty, staff, parents, students, school board, local media outlets, the community at large, all stakeholders, etc.) and write a statement conveying what the professional norm is and why it is important for your audience to adhere to it. The length requirement for this section is a 200-word minimum.

Your paper must be formatted in current APA format and must include a title page and a reference page, which are not included in the word count requirement.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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