Putting it All Together

Self – Assessment – Putting it All Together

In this paper you will be writing about yourself and reflecting upon what you have learned over the semester from the Management Assessments that have been completed as well as the Interviews that were conducted. These assignments were created to help you learn about yourself and where you are strong in some areas and can find improvements in other areas. The Interviews were provided to help you see from experience and with a new perspective how management may work differently for different people and in different industries.

Download Final Project Document – Final Project – Assessment Info

Download Checklist Document – Final Project Checklist

For this reflection paper, refer to prior assessments. When writing your reflection paper you will need to use the following format:

  • 1″ margins
  • No paragraph spacing
  • No double spacing (line spacing a 1.0 or 1.15)
  • Times New Roman font
  • Font Size 12 points
  • Please use your Assessment title as a heading for each.
  • Your reflection paper should be no less than 6 pages.

Criteria for your Self-Assessment Review:
A list of your assessments are listed below. Please provide the following information for each one of them.

  • List your Assessment Result & Score
  • What was this assessment assessing?
  • What did you learn from this assessment?
  • How might you improve yourself from the results of this assessment?

List of Assessments:

Management Type
Management Traits
How Ethical Is Your Behavior?
Decision-Making Styles
Effective Planning
Time Management Techniques
Organizational Preference
Personal Priorities
Are You a Team Player?
Team Management
Personality Profile
Personality Preference
Personality Type
Acquired Needs
Listening Skills
Skill Builder: Communication Styles

Interviews 1 and 2 – Name and discuss three main points from each of the Interviews. What did you learn and why was it important?

Review and reflect over all of your assessments.
Do you believe you have the traits, characteristics and skills to be a manager? Why?
What 4 areas are your strengths and why?
What 4 areas are your weaknesses and how do you plan to improve?
How can you use this knowledge to help you in your career development?

Worth 300 points

  • Please do not submit Mac (.pages or .sheets) – I cannot open these documents. The Final document paper should be a Word document (.docx) or .pdf.
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