At-risk population that is more prone to abusing substances 

Research Paper Assignment Description

Choose an “at-risk” population that is more prone to abusing substances and research the literature to investigate the problem’s clinical presentation. (Examples of “special populations” include teens, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered,the elderly, and other groups with an empirically documented history of substance abuse.)Specific aspects of this population’s substance abuse to be addressed in the paper include:

• Prevalence of substance abuse in this population

o What does research indicate is the rate/percentage of substance abuse in this population versus the general population?

o What are the primary drugs of choice for this population? (Provide statistics and data to validate your response.)

o Is this population more prone to certain effects (psychosocial, physiological, etc.) of substance abuse?

• Factors correlated with increased risk of substance abuse

o Why would this population be considered “at-risk” of developing substance use disorders?

o What variables are related to this population’s increased rates of substance abuse?

o What biopscyhosocial variables may make someone from this population more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol?

o What cultural variables may contribute to this trend?

• Treatment approaches

o What does research indicate are the best treatments for this population? Explain the theoretical bases of these treatments and why they are effective in treating the identified population.

o What evidence-based practices exist to treat this population?

o How effectively/often does this population utilize traditional 12-Step programs (e.g.: AA)?

• Advocacy

o How/Why is this population marginalized by larger society? How does this relate to the social work value of “social justice”?

o What resources/policies are needed to meet this population’s unique needs?

o On a state/local level, how might you provide social work advocacy for this population?

• Personal application

o What are your thoughts about providing social work services to this population?

o Why/How might working with this population be appealing to you? Unappealing?

o What steps would you need to take to work effectively with this population?

o What counter-transference or personal issues might you have to address when working with this population?

o How might this research paper be beneficial to your practice as a social worker?

This paper should be approximately 4-6 pages in length(exclusive of cover page, abstract and reference pages) and utilizea minimum of three scholarly references. The research paper should be in APA format, including in-text, direct quote, & reference citations. Resources pertaining to this assignment are available on the course’s MyClasses page under the “Assignments” link.

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