Technology Integration Learning Plan Liberty

Technology Integration Learning Plan Assignment Instructions


The goal of this assignment is to create a learning/lesson plan for a single 50-60 minute instructional session where technology is integrated in meaningful ways that will help your learners gain decision-making skills, demonstrate increased creativity, form stronger social connections with peers, and increase their technology skills.

For this assignment, you will design the learning plan for a specific audience of learners. The Technology Integration Matrix, the ASSURE model for instructional planning, and the ISTE standards for students provide valuable frameworks to help you define a well-conceived technology integrated learning plan.


Use the Technology Integration Learning Plan Template provided with this assignment. The template requires you to complete the sections as described in the following. Ensure your work demonstrates appropriate use of key terminology from the field of educational technology.

  1. Introductory paragraph. Use this space to give an introduction to technology integration. Discuss what technology integration is and what it looks like in classrooms. Include a minimum of two scholarly articles as support.
  2. The Technology Integration Matrix.
    1. Using the link provided with this assignment, explore The Technology Integration Matrix to gain an understanding of meaningful learning environments (i.e., Active, Collaborative, Constructive, Authentic, and Goal-Directed) and how these relate to the levels of integration (i.e., Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Infusion, and Transformation).
    1. Select one of the meaningful learning environments and either the Infusion or Transformation level of integration. Where these two elements intersect on the matrix chart is what will inform the design of your technology integration lesson. Click on the cells of the matrix chart for additional resources and demonstrations of what each learning environment at each level of integration would entail.
    1. In the assignment template, provide a paragraph that solidly describes the meaningful learning environment and level of integration you selected.
  3. The ASSURE Model for Instructional Design. The ASSURE model (Smaldino, Lowther, & Russell, 2008) encourages a purposeful look at and selection of appropriate technologies for fostering student engagement. The ASSURE acronym stands for Analyze learners, State the standards and objectives, Select strategies, technology, media, and materials, Utilize materials, Require learner participation, and Evaluate and revise.
    1. Using scholarly resources for support, begin this template section with a brief introduction to the ASSURE model.
    1. Analysis of Learners and Technology in the Local Setting.
      1. In the first paragraph of this section, describe your learners and their learning styles, prior knowledge, skill level, attitudes towards learning, comfort level and experience with technology, and other relevant characteristics. For instance, some learners are hesitant to learn math skills but are excellent writers.
      1. In the second paragraph of this section, describe the available technology in the local setting. Include Internet access, tools, and software. Choose tools that best suit the learning environment and the level of integration your lesson aims for. If the tools you need do not exist at your location, describe how you might procure or request them.
    1. Standards and Objectives.
      1. Begin this section with an introductory statement on the curriculum standards and ISTE standard(s) you are using for the lesson. Then identify the specific standards used:
        1. List 1-2 state or Common Core curriculum standards used for the lesson.
        1. List a minimum of one ISTE standard that best suits your learning environment and level of technology integration. See the ISTE Standards for Students link provided with this assignment.
      1. Determine 2-3 specific and measurable learning objectives associated with the curriculum and ISTE standards you selected. An example learning objective statement is: Learners will construct a persuasive presentation with supporting evidence and publish it to a class Wiki.
    1. Selection of Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials. This section and the one following (Utilization of Materials) comprise the largest portion of this assignment.
      1. Begin by identifying the strategies and methods for instruction and engagement and discuss the technology you will use in the lesson. Remember to use the Technology Integration Matrix to help you evaluate and make decisions about the level of technology integration.
      1. Discuss the Extended Descriptors the Technology Integration Matrix lists for your selection of learning environment and level of integration (you can find the Extended Descriptors by clicking on the applicable cell in The Technology Integration Matrix). In other words, envision where the learning takes place, what the teacher will do with technology in this lesson, what the learners will do, and what the learning products will look like.
    1. Utilization of Materials. You have by now assessed what technology tools you have available and have determined exciting ways these tools can be best utilized to promote learning. For this section of the template, identify the technology, media, and materials you will use in the lesson and describe how they will be used. This should read like a step-by-step how-to guide so that someone else could easily implement your plan with your learners.
    1. Requirement of Learner Participation. This is where you plan the learners’ actions. How will learners engage in the lesson? How will they engage with the ideas and technology to meet the learning goals and objectives? The plan should include good formative questioning, specifically addressing the standards and the learning objectives. List all formative questions you will use, such as questions for introducing the lesson topic, processing the topic information, extending critical analysis, etc.
    1. Evaluation and Revisions.
      1. Detail the data collection methods you will use to assess the learning. Describe how the resulting data might be used to revise the instruction plan for next time.
      1. Next, focusing on the technology integration aspect of your lesson, describe your plan for evaluating the technology’s effectiveness. Think in terms of questions an instructional coach might ask after observing your lesson, such as:
        1. Did the lesson accomplish what you intended?
        1. Were the objectives met?
        1. Would different tools/technology have done a better job?
      1. Finally, evaluate and score the lesson you have planned using the Triple E Evaluation Rubric (see the link provided with this assignment). Discuss your findings.

The required length of this assignment is a minimum of eight pages, not including the title and references pages. Where appropriate, provide in-text citations of sources used to support your claims and/or lesson design. You should include a minimum of three scholarly references in addition to primary (i.e., not secondary) sources for TIM, ISTE, and ASSURE. Include any sources used in the references page of the template. Use current APA formatting throughout your work.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Smaldino, S. E., Lowther, D. L., & Russell, J. D. (2008). Instructional technology and media for learning (9th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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