Explain why the skills you have been building throughout the course are important for the social work field.

Sometimes we as humans must look back in order to move forward. This practice allows insights that can propel us closer to our goals. So, take a moment to recall the early activities in the course. Consider the social work roles you explored in Week 1 and the Professionalism Self-Assessment you completed in Week 2. With the experiential practice and knowledge you have gained, do you see social work and/or yourself differently? What skills appear to be your strengths, and what might be areas for continued work? And how have your understanding and interest evolved? Might it be easier to see yourself in a professional social work role now?

In this Discussion, you consider the importance of the social work skills you have been developing and assess your strengths and areas for improvement.

To prepare:

Review the article in the Learning Resources on building a satisfying social work career.

Reflect on your skill development throughout the course.

You may wish to review your Skills Simulation Assignments, self-assessments, and reflections to consider your strengths and continued areas for improvement in basic social work skills.

Main Assignment

Explain why the skills you have been building throughout the course are important for the social work field.

Identify an area of strength in your basic social work skills. Then, describe progress toward the goal you developed in Week 2. Use examples from your Skills Simulation Assignments, self-assessments, and reflections to illustrate your areas of strength and improvement.

Finally, describe how you see yourself fitting into the social work role now.

Bailey, M. (2016). 6 actions that build a satisfying social work careerLinks to an external site.. The New Social Worker. https://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/care…

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