Research and identify the role of specific advocacy organizations.

Assignment – Reflective Practice Journal: Social Justice Advocacy
Unit 12: Introduction (1 of 4)
Unit 12: Reading and Activities (2 of 4)
Current Assignment: Unit 12: Assignment – Reflective Practice Journal: Social Justice Advocacy (3 of 4)
Unit 12: Discussion – Area of Specialization Podcast (4 of 4)
Social workers recognize it is critical to advocate for inclusive services and equity in treatment for clients. Clinical social workers understand and work to prevent poverty, realizing that economic and social mobility are hindered by forces of oppression.

Research and identify the role of specific advocacy organizations.
Build a resource guide of advocacy organizations specific to your area of practice.
Include national, state, and local advocacy organizations.
This will become part of your Intervention Strategy Toolkit.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Assignment Resources
650 Reflective Practice Journal Template

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