
Comorbidity Paper

  1. Unit 12: Introduction (1 of 4)
  2. Unit 12: Reading and Activities (2 of 4)
  3. Current Assignment: Unit 12: Assignment Comorbidity Paper (3 of 4)
  4. Unit 12: Discussion Addressing Comorbidity Issues (4 of 4)


For this assignment, you will need to use the week’s study materials (reading, video, websites, etc.) as resources to write this paper.

  • This paper should focus on mental health and substance abuse issues impact an individual and those around them.
  • The paper should define what comorbidity is and the associated risks that come with comorbidity, how it impacts and individual, how it impacts the greater society and the individual’s family, and what policies are in place or could be created to keep individuals safe with comorbid issues.

Complete this assignment and submit it to this assignment dropbox by Sunday at 11:59 pm CT.

Estimated time to complete: 4 hours

Competencies: Week 12 Assignment will measure: C5, C6, C8, and C9

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