Who is Lucid trying to sell to and are they successful in gaining profit-inducing levels of market share in their competitive space?

Please make sure to perform and describe your analysis of key case data. Size of the paper should be 6 pages, APA-style. Use all the attached resources with proper referencing and 1-2 other academic sources if needed. Have at least 2-3 tables/graphs inside the paper.

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Questions to consider in preparing your individual written case assignment are as follows:

1 Who is Lucid trying to sell to and are they successful in gaining profit-inducing levels of market share in their competitive space?

2 Put together a short marketing plan summary for Lucid as at 2023 and propose improvements to the plan that will materially improve fiscal performance in the coming 2 years (Balance ofYear 2024 and 2025-2026)

3 What best marketing practices has Lucid deployed to improve its performance vs. Telsa and other premium e-car brands?4Propose 3 improvements to the Lucid marketing/sales market approach and forecast the revenue and net marketing contributions this will entail for Lucid over the 2025 and 2026 FY?

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