explain what is meant when a vitamin or mineral is classified as essential versus non-essential

CHM-101 Reflection

Directions: After reading the topic Resource articles, complete all parts of this document and upload as a Microsoft Word document to the appropriate dropbox. Please do not convert to a PDF or image file.

Students should demonstrate their understanding of the readings with responses in their own words, using complete sentences and solid academic writing. Please note that the readings are sophisticated and students should only discuss those aspects covered in the course and their own understanding. Therefore, it is not necessary to search online for additional information and this is discouraged. For this assignment, the topic Resources do not need to be cited or referenced. Complete sentences are not required when completing tables.

Part A: Understanding Vitamins and Minerals

 1. Based on your readings and personal experience, explain what is meant when a vitamin or mineral is classified as essential versus non-essential.


2. Define and explain the difference between vitamins and minerals using your knowledge of elements, ions, molecules, and chemical structures.


3. List the six main elements found in all living organisms. How would you classify these elements (metals, non-metals, metalloids) and in what types of compounds they would be found (ionic, molecular, organic, etc.).


4. Some of the mineral elements are required in their ionic form. Explain what this means and how it differs from the essential elements listed above.


Part B: Minerals                                                

1. Comparing the information regarding essential minerals between the articles, discuss the articles’ agreement and state your own opinion, accounting for any differences.


2. Select one of the inorganic minerals and complete the table for that element. Note that the table should indicate the ion form of the element. If more than one ion form is known, report all known forms. Please include units for the RDA.

Chemical Formula(s) of ion   
Name(s) of ion   
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)                                    

3. Based on the readings, what do you think is the main function of your mineral in human health?


4. Although a deficiency may no longer be common, what is one disease or disorder associated with your selected mineral and why do you think that is? 


Part C: Vitamins

  • How does the article by Godswill et al. describe the classification of vitamins, and which vitamins does the article list for each classification?  

2. Complete the table below using one of the vitamins listed above from the article. Note that the vitamin name should include its letter and number (if one is indicated), as well as any common names. Edit/crop the “Chemical Structure of Vitamins” resource for your specific vitamin only to fit the space provided. Please include units for the RDA.

Vitamin Name(s)   
Copy and Paste Structure         
Functional Groups Present   
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)                                      

3. Use your knowledge regarding solubility, factors that affect solubility, and the structure of your vitamin to discuss considerations as to whether an individual needs a non-food supplement of that vitamin.   

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