You Be the Arbitrator

The “You Be the Arbitrator” discussions will present you with a scenario including (a) the facts of an actual labor relations grievance, and (b) the positions of both the management and the union. Students will play the role of arbitrator (similar to a judge) and decide the outcome of the case.The answer to each question should have its own dedicated paragraph, consisting of approximately 4-6 sentences each. This assignment is a writing/research exercise, so please verbalize self-created full sentences in paragraph form, and refrain from using bullet-style lists.

  1. You are the arbitrator tasked with deciding this case. The question you must answer is: Was there proper cause to suspend the grievant? Explain your reasoning. As part of your response, identify the relevant language from Article 3 and/or Article 12 of the CBA that led to your decision. (Hint: this case focuses on whether the disciplinary procedures were properly followed, and not on hours worked, overtime owed, etc.)
  2. Describe some actions that both the employer and the union could have taken to avoid this conflict. Be specific.
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