instructions for your grandparent on how to access and use email

In this module we have been discussing writing and preparing instructions in the work environment. For this board choose an activity for which you might write out instructions for someone who does not have any knowledge of how to do what you’re asking them to do. Select your audience for the instructions (but assume it’s someone in a group with minimal or average understanding of the material you’re presenting.) Then write a short set of instructions for your audience. So, you could write instructions for your grandparent on how to access and use email. You could write instructions for your friends about how to download and use a new social media site or app. If you’re an artist you might write a short set of instructions for other new artists on how to use a particular software for drawing or you might write instructions for how to draw an apple for example. Please note you should not write instructions for something like how to make a standard peanut butter and jelly sandwich as it is so commonly understood there is no substance to this kind of exercise. Recipes in general are ok if they’re something that has multiple steps and processes. If you are unsure of your topic email your professor for confirmation.

Once you’ve prepared your instructions post them and name your basic audience.

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