Identify the theoretical framework for enforcing information security policies in multinational companies.

After studying the reading in Module 5, please write a one-page short paper to:

  1. Discuss different ways of how global virtual teams coordinate shared leadership.
  2. Discuss how leadership coordination influences the effectiveness of global virtual teams.

Single-spaced, font size 11 or above. Please submit in Word or PDF formats only

the first pdf goes with module 5


second part

Please carefully study the reading in Module 10, and write a 2-page short paper to:

  1. Identify the theoretical framework for enforcing information security policies in multinational companies.
  2. Explain national culture and cultural distance
  3. Describe institutional theory and institutional distance
  4. Discuss stickiness and the knowledge transfer process
  5. Explain the managerial implications of this study (reading in Module 10)

Single-spaced, font size 11 or above. Please submit in Word of PDF formats only.

the second pdf goes with module 10


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