Assess at least five attributes as pros or benefits of research ethics and five elements you believe to be cons related to ethics that may challenge the research process.

Ethical Issues

Clinical research is instrumental in healthcare delivery. Without the research, scientists could not develop safe treatments and preventions for illnesses, and the results of the studies would not be trusted by the public if ethical practices are not in place.

You will select a research topic for public health in your community. You will use this issue to complete the remaining assignments for this course. In this assignment, you will evaluate the potential challenges to a research process by creating a pros and cons analysis. You will then propose a research study topic. You will assemble your work in a 5- to 10-minute video geared to a group of local healthcare administrators.

Step 1. Examine

Examine ethics in research practice by reviewing the Module 6 readings, presentations, and your own research.

Step 2. Assess

Assess at least five attributes as pros or benefits of research ethics and five elements you believe to be cons related to ethics that may challenge the research process.

Step 3. Consider

Consider these factors related to pros and cons within research ethics:

In what ways would the pros component of ethics benefit the research process?

In what ways would the cons component of ethics challenge the research process?

Step 4. Select

Conduct an online search to select a pros and cons analysis template which provides options to assign a value to each item on the list.

Step 5. Complete

Complete the pros and cons analysis template.

Step 6. Select

Select a community health issue for a possible research study. You may select an issue from the community you identified in the Module 5 assignment.

Step 7. Choose

Imagine you are proposing a community health research study to a group of local healthcare administrators in a 5- to 10-minute audiovisual presentation. Select a tool to create your video. (See resources linked on the Learning Objects page.)

Step 8. Design

The goal of your presentation is to inform the local healthcare administrators of a community health issue, share the pros and cons of ethical research design, and propose a community research idea that would meet ethical research guidelines. Design your presentation to include the following:

The community health issue

The pros and cons of ethical practices in research

How the research study would follow ethical guidelines

What research questions would you hope to answer?

How you would communicate with internal and external stakeholders to promote transparency?

Include APA-formatted citations throughout the presentation and a reference list at the conclusion of the presentation.

Step 9. Present

Record your video using the tool of your choice.

Step 10. Submit

Submit your video to the assignment using the appropriate assignment submission type (i.e., File Upload, Web URL, or Text Entry). To submit an additional file (PPT, Word, etc.), click “New Attempt” on the assignment page and use the File Upload submission type.

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