Subtle prejudice

you learned about the various forms of aggression, violence, and antisocial behavior in Chapter 10. In Chapter 12, you will learn the different forms of prejudice, and the differences between prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes.

For this week’s discussion, you will post your reply to the following prompts on the various forms of prejudice.

In at least 200 words (approximately 100 words per prompt), please reply in detail to the following questions:

Prompt #1:

Subtle prejudice is often hard to detect, but its impact can have a significant effect on the target of said prejudice. Write two scenarios, one detailing old-fashioned racism, and the other modern racism. Is one more problematic? Why or why not? And why do you think so? Please respond in detail.

Prompt #2:

Sexism is another form of prejudice that may be more or less discrete. Females are often victims of both hostile and benevolent sexism. Describe two instances for each form of sexism in which you might see them (e.g., you might see benevolent sexism at a grocery store where, for example, a patron in the check-out line insists the woman behind him goes first because “she’s a lady.”). Additionally, provide an explanation or possible justification(s) for each form of sexism. Please respond in detail.

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