behavior management philosophy

Behavior Management Philosophy Presentation Assignment Instructions

The presentation must follow current APA formatting standards and include a minimum of 20 slides and at least five references. Each resource listed on the reference list should be cited within the presentation using in-text citations.

For this assignment, you will articulate your behavior management philosophy by creating a presentation on your beliefs and practices for addressing whole class and individual behavior management in your current or preferred classroom environment. The presentation should be designed for an audience of a recently assigned co-teacher or paraprofessional who will be collaborating with you in your classroom. Video and audio recording are NOT required for this presentation. The presentation should include:

  • Class Description (current or preferred)
    • Grade level
    • Number of students
    • Exceptionalities represented, including a discussion demonstrating an understanding of how exceptionalities may interact with development and learning.
    • Other diversity represented, including a discussion demonstrating an understanding of how language, culture, and family background influence individuals’ learning within the classroom.
  • Philosophy of Behavior Management:
    • Clearly articulate your philosophy on whole-class and individual behavior management and discuss the research and theory informing your beliefs.
      • How will you create a safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive environment that fosters positive social interactions and individual well-being?
      • What are your beliefs about the relationship between motivation, behavior, and academics?
      • How will you explain/define the concept of “fairness” in your classroom?
      • How will you set up your classroom, and how does your philosophy inform the physical layout of the classroom?
  • Core Components
    • Classroom expectations
      • Create a list of classroom rules/expectations.
      • Explain how you will establish these rules/expectations in your classroom.
    • Classroom procedures
      • Create a list of classroom procedures.
      • Explain how these procedures encourage focused learning time.
    • Record keeping system for behavior
      • Explain how you will track and record student behaviors over time.
  • Managing Behaviors
    • Explain how you will use praise and redirection in the classroom.
    • Provide a tiered set of consequences (e.g. first offence, second offence, third offence).
  • Communication
    • Explain the system you will use for ongoing communication between school and home about individual student behavior.
    • Include an example of your initial letter home to parents briefly explaining:
      • Your behavior management philosophy.
      • How whole class and individual behavior will be addressed in the classroom.
      • How information about student behavior will be communicated throughout the year.
  • Laws
    • Summarize the laws and policies that impact decisions about students with disabilities including IDEA, FAPE, MDR, and LRE.

The presentation must follow current APA formatting standards and include a minimum of 20 slides and at least five references. Each resource listed on the reference list should be cited within the presentation using in-text citations.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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