GFE Teacher Consultation Outline

As a teacher, you will use information about relevant contextual factors, such as school, classroom, and student demographics, to set learning goals, plan instruction, and assess learning. These factors may affect the teaching and learning process in your classroom, so it is important that you take the time to learn this information to better meet students’ needs.


To prepare for this assignment, ensure that you have downloaded the following documents:

  • GFE Teacher Consultation Outline
  • Lesson Plan Template
  • GFE/GCE Rubric for Classroom Teacher

Assignment Deliverable

Meet with the classroom teacher for your guided field experience and complete the GFE Teacher Consultation Outline as you discuss the details related to this guided field experience. In addition, while meeting with the teacher, review the Lesson Plan Template and GFE/GCE Rubric for Classroom Teacher to ensure that you understand all of the requirements and expectations of this field experience.

Submit your GFE Teacher Consultation Outline for this assignment.

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