Canadian Museum for Human Rights

This assignment is a maximum of 3 double-spaced pages in length (double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman), excluding references.

Winnipeg houses the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. You will have the opportunity to experience the human rights exhibits first-hand during a tour of the CMHR. On your tour of the Museum, please choose one of the many exhibits housed at the Museum (artifacts, documents, images, etc.). Your chosen exhibit should ideally be connected to one or more human rights issues which you have a passion for and/or a personal connection to.

Please provide answers to the following in your assignment:

  • A brief introduction to your exhibit
  • Physical description (along with a photograph)
  • Description
    • What is the historical event / who is the historical character?
    • How does this person/these events relate to human rights?
    • What is your connection to the exhibit?
    • Whose story is this exhibit telling?
    • Whose story is it not telling?
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