provide a general assessment of which vision (constrained or unconstrained) your policy tends to ascribe to

  1. In a 3-page APA Style(new tab) formatted paper including proper grammar and an introduction, body, and conclusion, respond to the following prompts:
    1. Based on your previous research and analysis, provide a general assessment of which vision (constrained or unconstrained) your policy tends to ascribe to. Explain and support your conclusions with references to the Sowell (2007) text.
    2. Briefly describe how the policy views the following as described by Sowell (2007) (social processes, equality, power, and justice) and identify how its view of each aligns with the constrained or unconstrained vision. Use evidence from your analysis of the policy (its approach, proposed solutions, assumptions, history, etc.) to support your thoughts and conclusions.
    3. Based on your review of the Comparison Chart of Social Justice Ideas and Worldviews, describe how your chosen policy aligns with or advocates for one or more aspects of these differing worldviews and the assumptions they make in their definitions.
    4. Finally, summarize any gaps, flaws in logic, or assumptions the current policy makes in your view that may impair its ability to achieve its desired outcomes and what values from the NASW Code of Ethics could help to improve the development or effectiveness of the policy going forward and why.
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