Managing My Time – Plan of Action

Week 2 Paper: Managing My Time – Plan of Action

Step 1: Complete your time log for the discussion forum.(completed and attached as GS Week 2 Discussion- Schedule Analysis)
Step 2: Complete the “Time Management from the Inside Out” worksheet (attached) & Completed) named [Complete GSS5000_Week2_Paper].

assignement to complete

Step 3: Length: 2 – 3 pages + cover sheet and references page.
Write a 2.5-3 page Apa formatted paper on your Plan of Action for handling your tasks and time.

Respond to the prompts below:

  • Describe at least three insights you have gained in how you handle time and productivity.
  • Where do you see your strengths in time management?
  • What are the primary obstacles hindering your attempts to stick to your plan?
  • What can you do to minimize disruptions, interruptions, and distractors?
  • What do you need to adjust in your weekly schedule to better match your life priorities?
  • Where could you save time?
  • List at least three tips you’d like to implement in your schedule.
  • List at least three items that could be removed or delegated from your schedule.
  • Share any other insights you have developed from this experience.

Submit an APA formatted paper in MS Word or Adobe PDF format.

Length: 2 – 3 pages + cover sheet and references page.

Grading Criteria
  • Time management worksheet (10%)
  • Reflection & critical thinking in formulating the responses (80%)
  • Formatting, presentation, language, grammar (10%)
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