What are employee rights regarding continued payment and wages during and following a disaster?

Read the article “Picking Up the Pieces: Employer Responsibilities in the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey,” and answer the following questions addressing employment law during and following this disaster situation. Reference the article “Employers’ Responsibilities in the Wake of a Natural Disaster,” for supplemental information.

Expand on the following topics in your essay:

  1. What are employee rights regarding continued payment and wages during and following a disaster?
  2. Describe ongoing employee benefits if the place of business is not able to perform normal business functions or is closed long term?
  3. Is the business responsible for continuation of employee benefit programs following a disaster that closes the business operations?
  4. Discuss the expansion of leave policies directly following the disaster.
  5. Explore layoffs and reduction of work hours following a disaster.
  6. Explain unemployment benefits and the role of the government in expanding time limits due to the disaster.

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