You will write a five-page paper on an issue in mass media from the approved list of media issues below.

Research Media Issue Papers

  • You will write a five-page paper on an issue in mass media from the approved list of media issues below.
  • You must include a minimum of six other sources as references in your paper. Sources should come from books and periodicals that discuss the particular media issue that you choose.
    • Do not count the dictionary or encyclopedia as one of the six sources.
    • You may use the General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as sources, but do not count them in the six either.
  • DO NOT simply choose information from six different web pages.
    • You may use no more than two web pages as part of the six sources.
    • Do a library search for credible sources.

The paper should be constructed in two parts as outlined below (please do it this way—do not deviate):

Label the first part “PART 1”

  • Should explore the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides of the issue. Use your other references to support your analysis of the “yes” side and the “no” side.
  • Should not exceed two pages.

Label the second part “PART 2”

  • Should focus on your position of the issue.
  • Pick a side and support it with your research.
  • This is the major part of your paper. I’m interested in which side you choose and why. Your six outside sources should be used to support your side—be sure to cite each source.
  • Identify 4 to 6 points as to why you are choosing the particular side and then support those points with your research.
  • Should not exceed three pages.

The paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • The quality of the summary of both positions (yes and no)
  • Development of your position, including your analysis of the arguments and what lead you to your position
  • The four to six points you are making to support your side of the issue
  • The expert sources you used to support your position (don’t just use the Internet to gather your sources)
  • The real media examples you bring into your argument
  • The citing of sources
  • Grammar, style, and reference of sources (did you include a minimum of four non-internet sources?)

Be sure to cite all of the references you use in a consistent style. Include a list of references at the end of your paper (does not count toward the five pages). Please use the following citation style to cite your references:

If you are citing a direct quotation (where you use quotation marks), list the author(s) last name(s), the year of publication, and the page number(s). For example, “Place the citation at the end of the sentence where the quote is found” (Robinson, 1997, p. 56). If you are not citing a direct quote, then simply put, after the information used, the author(s) name and the date of publication (Robinson, 2003).

On your reference page, list articles as follows:

Journal/Magazine Article
Robinson, T. (2004). Great professors always self title their own book. Journal of Great Looking and Loveable Professors, 34(16), pp. 72-84.

Robinson, T. (2004). The History of Great Looking and Loveable Professors. New York: Allyn and Beacon Publishing.

Internet Site (webpage title, date retrieved, http source)
Great Looking and Loveable Professors survey. Retrieved August 8, 2005, from http://www.greatlookingprofs/survey2003-2004/

If the Internet article has an author, list as you would a journal or magazine article with the http address as the journal or magazine title.

Layout Requirements:

  • Use 8 ½ × 11 pages.
  • Have one-inch margins on the top, bottom, and the left and right sides.
  • Use double-spaced paragraphs.
  • Use twelve-point font (best to use Times New Roman).
  • Place page numbers in top, right corner.
  • Include a cover sheet with your name, the issue title, your section number, and the lesson number.
  • Put references on their own page at the end of the paper.

Approved list of media issues for this research paper:

  • Do the mass media perpetuate ethnic and racial stereotypes?
  • Is television harmful for children?
  • Is public relations valuable to society?
  • Is it ethical to manipulate photographs carried in the media?
  • Is negative campaigning bad for the American political process?
  • Is media conglomeration ethical?
  • Is advertising ethical?
  • Should all freedom of speech be protected?
  • Do the news media have a liberal bias?
  • Is downloading helping or hurting the music Industry?
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