argument research paper

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. Develop an effective argument research paper (800 plus words) about the research topic that you have chosen.
  2. Format your paper according to MLA style
  3. Create an interesting title that captures the interest of your reader and focuses your essay.
  4. Begin with a strong introduction that engages your reader and provides a clear thesis at the end of the introduction.
  5. Develop at least three support paragraphs about your perspective.
  6. Include Counterargument/refutation of another perspective in a separate paragraph or within your support paragraphs.
  7. Use evidence from at least FIVE sources to support your opinions and your refutation.
  8. End with a strong conclusion that restates your thesis in a different wording and sums up what the reader should take away from the essay.
  9. Use MLA formatted in-text citation for evidence from your sources.
  10. Add a MLA formatted Works Cited as a separate page at the end of the essay.
  11. Proofread your essay. Check for clear content and accurate sentence mechanics. I WILL PUT BELOW MY PREVIOUS PAPER TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF THE TOPIC I AM RESEARCHING
  12. Hybrid and Electric VehiclesThe two articles cover HEV acceptability and perception in terms of fuel efficiency, environmental impact, and consumer behavior. According to a Spanish study, monetary and non-monetary incentives influence drivers’ choices of fuel-efficient cars, including HEVs (González et al., 2023). Representations that HEVs are more expensive and slower than conventional cars hamper their uptake, the scientists suggest. Financial incentives like subsidies and cheap parking enhance efficient car purchases, the study found. González et al. (2023) say HEVs are poorly understood, requiring education.The second extensive analysis from the Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection is more optimistic regarding electric and hybrid automobiles (Gale, 2023). According to 2021 US EV and HEV sales, these vehicles are growing in popularity. Electric and hybrid vehicles reduce carbon emissions, solving environmental and economic problems (Gale, 2023). It discusses hybrid and electric car history, highlighting their noise and greenhouse gas reduction potential (Gale, 2023).Focus areas shape authors’ principal opinions. Spanish researchers warn of perceptual and economic barriers to HEV adoption (González et al., 2023). The second piece is more optimistic, highlighting environmental and economic benefits for electric and hybrid automobile adoption (Gale, 2023).Three key findings from the Spanish study are drivers’ negative perceptions, economic incentives’ influence on choices, and the need for information campaigns to bridge the understanding gap. In contrast, the opposing article highlights the record sales of EVs and HEVs in 2021 (Gale, 2023), the historical evolution of hybrid and electric vehicles, and their positive influence on decreasing carbon emissions and noise pollution.I agree more with the second piece. The historical context and rising sales show that electric and hybrid vehicles are becoming more popular (Gale, 2023). Environmental aims include reducing emissions and noise (Gale, 2023). While the Spanish study highlights real concerns regarding misconceptions and economic hurdles (González et al., 2023), the second article’s larger trends and beneficial environmental impact support the continuous shift toward electric and hybrid vehicles (Gale, 2023). In conclusion, the Spanish study emphasizes barriers and misconceptions associated with hybrid and electric vehicle adoption (González et al., 2023), while the opposing viewpoint article emphasizes positive trends and environmental benefits. Growth and environmental benefits in the second piece (Gale, 2023) make me optimistic.
  13. Works CitedGale, C. (2023). Hybrid and electric vehicles: A timeline of key developments. Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection.González, A. S., de Lapuerta, I., & Montero, J. (2023). Socio-economic determinants of drivers’ choice of hybrid electric vehicles: The case of Spain. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 117, 100487.

Requirements: 800+

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