What are the important characteristics of scholarly sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research? Why is it important to evaluate sources for credibility, reliability, and bias?

1 Assessment Description

What are the important characteristics of scholarly sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research? Why is it important to evaluate sources for credibility, reliability, and bias? What are the possible consequences of not evaluating sources for these

2. Assessment Description

Think about how the types of situations mentioned in the “EAD-507 Academic Integrity Violations from your readings might arise during your academic career How does academic undermine the purpose of graduate ?

3,Assessment Description

Peer-reviewed, research-based, journal articles from the GCU Library represent much of the learning resources you will be using in this program. This assignment will allow you to read and paraphrase academic researen while getting experience in using APA Style that you will use during your entire pregram.

Select a peer-reviewed article that contains an empinical research study from an academis Journal specializing in educational administration, such as those listed below.

Academic Leadership journal

AERA open

American Eductional Reseach journal

4. Assessment Description

what are the important characteristies of scholarly sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research? Why is it important to evaluate sources for credibility, reliability, and bias? What are the possible consequences of not evaluating sources for these characteristics?

5. What are the important characteristics of scholarly sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research? Why is it important to evaluate sources for credibility, reliability, and bias? What arethe possible consequences of not evaluating sources for these Characteristics?

6. Think about how the types of situations mentioned in the “EAD-507 Academic integrity Violations from your readings might arise during youg academic careen. How does academic

dishonesty undermine the purpose of graduate school

7. Assessment Description

Peer-reviewed, research-based, journal articles from the GCU Library represent much of the learning resources you will be using in this program. This assignment will allow you to read and paraphrase academic research while getting experience in using APA Style that you will use during your entire program.

Select a peer-reviewed article that contains an empirical research study from an academic Journal specializing in educational administration, such as those listed below:Academic Leadership JournalAERA Open

* American Educational Research Journal (AERI)

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