Discuss some of the protected characteristics covered by equal employment opportunity laws and why they are important in today’s employment setting. Also discuss how these Civil Rights Laws can help contribute to diversity initiatives for organizations.

Part 1: 200 word discussion (2 sources minimum):

Discuss some of the protected characteristics covered by equal employment opportunity laws and why they are important in today’s employment setting. Also discuss how these Civil Rights Laws can help contribute to diversity initiatives for organizations.

Part 2: 150 word response: respond to the following post (150 words minimum):

The equal employment opportunity laws cover several titles that protect employees from employers with biased hiring tendencies. Characteristics of individuals who are protected by law are age, gender, race, color, religion, and national origin (Equal Employment Opportunity). The most widely recognized are Title VII and Title IX. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 “protects applicants and employees from discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment” based on physical characteristics and beliefs (Equal Employment Opportunity. Title IX is well known within the education system because it protects employees from sexual discrimination in educational programs (Equal Employment Opportunity). The equal employment opportunity law strives to protect individuals from physical characteristic biases that can be both intentionally and unintentionally applied.

Civil Rights Laws encourage diversity initiatives within the workplace by setting a standard of being all-inclusive and hiring the most qualified individual for a position. Initially, Civil Rights Laws were put into place for specifically those who were enslaved and women who were not allowed to work. Currently, equal employment laws have expanded to level the playing field for everyone. For example, Pfizer created a “fellowship program designed for college students of Black, Latino, and Native American descent” (D’Innecoenzio & Olson, 2024). Because of its race specifications, Pfizer removed its initial eligibility requirements to avoid violating equal employment laws (D’Innecoenzio & Olson, 2024).

Part 3: PowerPoint presentation.

You have been asked to make a presentation on the topic listed below in the assignment and create a PowerPoint Presentation to go with it. You will be speaking to an audience of 35 people. Make sure that the slides can be seen by every attendee. Use a font that is large enough to be seen by the audience.

For this assignment you are to prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 6 slides plus a cover slide and a slide listening your references (eight slides total). All content slides must include 100 words in the “Notes” section.

The notes section is found at the bottom of each slide and is for the speaker’s reference only. (This section is not visible to the audience members in Slide Show Mode).

You are required to use pictures and graphics to illustrate the slides. You cannot use all word slides. Using all word slides will result in a subtraction of 5 points for each slide that contains only words.

You must use at least two references, including your book. In-text citations may be used but are not required. Any in-text citations and references (on your reference slide) must be in APA format.

Make sure that your name is on the cover slide.

Important Note: For the PPT assignments, you must have at least one slide demonstrating how the topic applies to you the employee and to your employer. This is a critical part of the assignment. (Employment as a Pipeline Construction Inspector)

Topic for PowerPoint Presentation One:
Choose one provision(topic) of the Civil Right Rights Act of 1964. Pick a topic from the Act and thoroughly discuss that topic. Tell (1) why it is important to your organization, (2) how it has impacted the workforce in that organization, and (3) how the topic has impacted you personally.

Note: Do not use more than one slide to talk about the Act as a whole. Choose one provision(aspect) and focus on that.

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