According to the article by Scott Rae, answer the following outlined key question. How does the bible speak to the current immigration crisis?

Discussion Thread: Immigration Debates and Concerns

Read and view Scott Rae’s article: What does the Bible say about the Current Immigration Crisis


According to the article by Scott Rae, answer the following outlined key question. How does the bible speak to the current immigration crisis? What does Romans 13 say and not say? What is the difference between and immigrants and refugees? What are 3 practical things a Christian can do in response to the immigration crisis?

According to the textbook in chapter 6, what are some challenges and barriers likely to confront a counselor working with one of a different culture? According to the textbook in chapter 11, why is cultural knowledge and self-awareness important for a counselor?


  • Sue, Sue, Neville, & Smith: Counseling the Culturally Diverse 9th edition
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