Write an email to persuade your favorite talk show host to interview you about your new superpower or discovery (real or imaginary).

Part 1

Choose one of the following prompts and begin your post by identifying your 1) Target audience, 2) Purpose for writing, and 3) Challenges involved in responding to the prompt. Then write a response to your chosen prompt.

  1. Write an email to persuade your favorite talk show host to interview you about your new superpower or discovery (real or imaginary).
  2. Write a private social media message replying to a person claiming, with good evidence, to be a distant cousin who is trying to get copies of old family pictures and memorabilia from your branch of the family for his genealogical research.
  3. Write an email to your supervisor asking for a raise, including why this raise is appropriate and will be beneficial to the company.
  4. Write a letter to persuade your favorite candy company to produce a new candy bar, named after you and including ingredients found in no other candy bar currently on the shelf.
  5. Write a plea to convince a judge you should not be penalized for a traffic incident (real or imaginary). Be sure to ask that no points be added to your driving record and for any fees to be waived.
  6. Write a cover letter to convince:
    1. a publisher to publish your first novel
    2. a producer to produce your first screenplay, or
    3. a gaming or app company to produce your first game/app.
  7. Write to Shark Tank requesting the chance to share your new invention with the Sharks and the world. Your invention must have something to do with things you’re passionate about—your hobbies, food, how you get from here to there, going places, grooming, upcycling items that would go to the landfill, saving the world, etc.

Part 2

Provide a quick reflection describing what you found yourself considering as you developed your message. Did you have any challenges or points where you felt “stuck?” What did you think about that helped as you wrote your message?


Your initial post should:

  • clearly communicate the purpose of your writing, using language that is appropriate in style and tone;
  • include a reflection on the process of developing this message;
  • demonstrate your understanding of writing within a rhetorical situation;
  • be at least 200+ words in length, but can be longer if needed;
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