Explore the American Psychiatric Association (APA) website and use search to locate cultural diversity topic

  • Explore the American Psychiatric Association (APA) website and use search to locate cultural diversity topic at: https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/cultural-competency/education/best-practice-highlights/video-library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
    • Choose a population of interest on APA site
    • Summarize key points about the group
  • Review the four processes used in Motivational Interviewing – Engaging, Focusing, Evoking and Planning – and create a brief interaction between the APRN and Patient (see Rollnick text for examples)
    • Describe a 2-3 sentence case where change is needed using the population selected
    • Provide a conversation – 3 to 4 dialogues – relating a few of the techniques the APRN can use in the interview process with the population selected
  • Identify intrinsic and extrinsic motivators used for promoting behavior change
    • Incorporate one of each into the dialogue above
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